Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Becoming a Bartender

The beauty of bartending is that it is easy to have as a part time job. You don’t have to make a career change to bartend,you just pick up a couple shifts a week. You will have to work your way up.More than likely you will work in the first part of the week vs. the busier nights. Once you have established yourself, you will more than likely cash in on some good money.

Bartending School to go or not to go?

Most bars want you to already know what you are doing, they don't want to take the time to train you but they all don't consider bartending school experience. It is a catch 22 for sure but you have to stay positve and work around it. You might want to start off as a barback a.k.a. a bartender's helper but overall having some sort of formal training before you apply should be helpful.

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